Imagine a Son's Legacy

Thanks to Dorian’s donation, two cornea recipients received the gift of sight, including an infant who was facing a lifetime of blindness.

Cornea Donation

Since 1960, Saving Sight has coordinated cornea donation and the distribution of corneas for transplant. Today, we operate in Missouri, Kansas, and central Illinois, and we distribute corneas to transplant surgeons in those states, the rest of the U.S., and around the world to help people receive the precious gift of sight.

Help us spread the message about eye, organ, and tissue donation in your community. If you haven’t yet, register your choice to donate online at Donate Life America or your local Department of Motor Vehicles office. And be sure to speak with your family about your decision.

Celebrate National Eye Donor Month 2015

Americans will receive approximately 48,000 cornea transplant surgeries this year to preserve or restore their vision. With healthy vision, these people will be able to lead joyful, independent lives. March is National Eye Donor Month, so Saving Sight encourages you...

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Anne Shares Her Cornea Transplant Experience

As a teacher and artist, Anne was diagnosed with Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy, which, if left untreated, would have blinded her in the left eye. Her vision deteriorated to the extent that she required the transplantation of corneal tissue from a generous eye donor. Today,...

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Winner of 2015 Jachin Misko Memorial Scholarship Announced

Winner of 2015 Jachin Misko Memorial Scholarship Announced

Congratulations to Katie Higgins, an eye bank technician at the Georgia Eye Bank. Higgins is this year's winner of the Jachin Misko Memorial Scholarship for Technical Advancement in Eye Banking, which means she will receive funding for expenses related to attending...

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AmazonSmile: Help Us Grow Our Programs This Holiday Season

AmazonSmile: Help Us Grow Our Programs This Holiday Season

Saving Sight now participates in AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a fundraising program that enables you to direct a portion of your online purchases to Saving Sight, at no added cost. This holiday season and beyond, shop at AmazonSmile and 0.5% of your total will be...

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