Imagine a Son's Legacy

Thanks to Dorian’s donation, two cornea recipients received the gift of sight, including an infant who was facing a lifetime of blindness.

Cornea Donation

Since 1960, Saving Sight has coordinated cornea donation and the distribution of corneas for transplant. Today, we operate in Missouri, Kansas, and central Illinois, and we distribute corneas to transplant surgeons in those states, the rest of the U.S., and around the world to help people receive the precious gift of sight.

Help us spread the message about eye, organ, and tissue donation in your community. If you haven’t yet, register your choice to donate online at Donate Life America or your local Department of Motor Vehicles office. And be sure to speak with your family about your decision.

Eye Donation Saves Sight of a Volleyball Star

Eye Donation Saves Sight of a Volleyball Star

In 2008, Jana, an active high school soccer and volleyball player was diagnosed with a corneal ulcer that become infected with the bacteria pseudomonas. Although the infection cleared, it created a scar over her cornea, stealing both her vision and her freedom....

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Eye Donor’s Gift Inspires a Family’s Pledge

Eye Donor’s Gift Inspires a Family’s Pledge

Like many individuals, Gordon registered to become an eye, organ and tissue donor, but as he got older, he wondered if age and health issues would prevent him from fulfilling his pledge. However, when he passed away in November 2009, Gordon gave the gift of sight to...

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How an Internet Search Saved One Man’s Sight

How an Internet Search Saved One Man’s Sight

Five years ago, Larry of Fair Grove, Mo. was diagnosed with Fuchs' dystrophy, a deterioration of the inner layer of the cornea. While eyeglasses and eye drops helped, his eyesight continued to decline – to the point he could no longer read and had difficulties...

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Jackson Woman Undergoes LifeChanging Corneal Transplant

Jackson Woman Undergoes LifeChanging Corneal Transplant

Eyesight is something most of us take for granted – until it is lost. Once vision begins to fade, it can affect all aspect of one’s life – from managing duties at work to simply seeing the face of a friend. Annie of Jackson, Mo. knows the impact of vision loss...

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Dorian’s Gift

Dorian of Kansas City was known for his big smile and bigger heart. "My son loved life, but in a tragic moment his life was cut short and, as a result of that, someone else's life has now been enhanced," said Wendy. Thanks to the family’s donation, two cornea...

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A Dream to Help Others Lives On

A Dream to Help Others Lives On

Dorian of Kansas City was known for his big smile and bigger heart. As a recent high school graduate, Dorian was planning on becoming an EMT so that he could help others. “Dorian liked to help people,” said his mother, Wendy. “I think he also liked the thought that...

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Teen’s Compassion Carries On

Teen’s Compassion Carries On

Throughout his short life, Jake of Chatham, Ill. was known for his sense of humor and his unwavering loyalty to his friends. According to his mother, Barbara, Jake was always the first person to jump in whenever anyone needed help. After a car accident claimed the...

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Illinois Eye Donor Continues to Help Others

Illinois Eye Donor Continues to Help Others

A father. A husband. A brother. A son. Cody Dunham is many things to many people. To the recipients of his corneas, his skin and his bones, he is a true hero. In January 2009, when 30-year-old Cody of Divernon, Ill. lost his life in a car accident, his family was...

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